Saturday, September 15, 2018

Top New Features In Cars

Sensors that learn your driving style and can detect when you're too tired to push.

Why It's Cool: After a long, tiring night, one of the worst choices you can make is to push and risk becoming a severe injury. To solve this, car companies such as BMW and Mercedes-Benz have developed sensors and systems that learn how you drive and alert you to pull over and have a rest when you get started swaying or being reckless, here best ceramic coating.

High beams that automatically adjust not to blind everybody else on the road.

Why It's Cool: Your high beams are necessary when driving in the dark, but you've probably made a few people angry by having them on while they drive by in another lane. BMW and Audi's laser-powered high beam systems crank up the brightness high when there's no one in front of you and dim when there's cars. Now there's no possible way you can piss someone off with your own pajamas.

Way more gas-efficient motors and engines.

It's Cool: While the price of gas may be going down lately, most of us agree that the less we have to fill up, the better life is. Automobiles like the 2015 Chrysler 200 sedan and the 2015 Honda Fit are starting to go beyond 30 miles per gallon, while more beast-y vehicles such as the 2015 Ford F-150 have more efficient cylinders to save motorists from going into the pump too frequently.

Heated wiper blades which melt ice and snow to keep everything clear.

Why It's Cool: Winter drivers know the pain and misery of having to deal with the snow messing their eyesight upward. It's not a fun thing, but firms such as Everblade and Thermalblade make cheap wiper blades that produce quick work of ice and snow to ensure you never need to break out the squeegee yourself.

Crash detection sensors that get you the help that you need, fast.

It's Cool: A car crash is one of the funniest things anybody goes through, and if you've ever been in one, trying to signal for help becomes just one of the most difficult things to do. In the modern age, companies such as Ford and GM use mobile connectivity and sensors to dial 911 and send assistance to where you're. Every moment counts.

GPS that automatically assesses traffic and locates the best way round it.

Why It's Cool: We can all agree that traffic sucks. Acura's innovative Real-Time Traffic attribute on the 2016 MDX works together with the built-in GPS method to obtain the perfect way to get around traffic, while viewing accidents, weather events, and building on the road. It's a lot less of a hassle (and safer) than pulling your mobile phone.

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